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My experiences


Hello dear visitors! On this page, I would like to share with you my Global Cryptobot experience.
How come to this system, how does the process work and does it work?
In addition, I will explain here what bitcoins are, how to create a bitcoin wallet and what risks are behind these systems.
IMPORTANT! I describe here my personal experiences, positive as well as negative. This is not an official page of Global Cryptobot. I try to openly and honestly provide all information.


How I got to the Global Cryptobot

I have been interested in these so-called HYIP shops for several years and I have been informed by a similar site like this.

The last major HYIP in a similar form was the betrobot. Here I could get out of a small investment (ca.200 €) a good yield (ca.1200 €). Unfortunately, I was a bit late and for this reason I thought I would go with the Global Cryptobot again. What really appealed to me is that this system has been online since 25.05.2017! That was the decisive factor for getting started. The Global Cryptobot has only been running for 3 days (today)!


My Global Cryptobot experience so far

Global Cryptobot promises the following:
You get a daily return of 4% (which really sounds very unlikely) and you get (according to Global Cryptobot) with an investment from 100 € to 160 € after 40 days. Since I was very skeptical but then I have read into the Ponzi Scheme, because exactly according to this principle Global Cryptobot works.


My Global Cryptobot Experience - Getting Started

To be honest, the entry into the Global Cryptobot system was not easy for me. I had no one helped and I had no one to me the experience as I write it here! The whole system works on bitcoin basis. This means to start with Global Cryptobot, you have to read into this topic or now you can also ask me what bitcoins are actually and what you need to buy them, you can learn from me. So, back to the Global Cryptobot entrance. Bitcoins are required. To buy these you need a so-called Bitcoin Wallet. This is nothing more than an account to be able to deal with and keep bitcoins. You also need the app telegram. In effect, the telegram app has the same function as e.g. Whattsapp, only this app is much more secure and encrypted multiple times. If you have installed the telegram app, you need a sponsor link to log in to the Betrobot.


Global Cryptobot experience - deposit

I've read a lot about different bitcoin wallets and I have opted for blockchain and bitpanda. In my opinion, you can not do anything wrong with your bitpanda, but there are a lot of other wallets that you can use as well. A wallet is nothing more than an online purse. After I registered with the email address and password and confirmed my email address, I was able to buy the Bitcoins. It always takes a bit to verify the purchase, so do not be frightened if it should take an hour. You can also write me under the contact form if you want. After that, the bitcoins have to send to the address that Global Cryptobot gives you. That's all.


Global Cryptobot Experience - Support and App

Because I really have to say TOP! Support is in German, is always available and is really trying to answer all questions. There are now communities in German, English, Spanish, Italian, Russian and the Balkan region.


Global Cryptobot - Conclusion

Such systems, can be really profitable. And again, this is my subjective opinion and I only speak out of my own experiences! It is important to know that it is an investment or Ponzisystem! No matter who says what ... You'll come across a lot of websites that will describe you very well to get you to invest the money and distribute the sponsor link. You just have to understand it can stop every day. I do not think it will happen in the next few months but it will definitely be the case! Ponzi systems usually last several years! So please pay attention to how much you invest and make timely payouts to make money. This is simply not a long-term story, so invest properly!


My starting aid for you

Also I was always very skeptical at the beginning and I have missed many such systems. To make it easier for you to decide, I would like to pay 30% of my commission. For this you just have to register via this link here and send me a short message about the Send contact form so I can reach you. I hope I could help you.

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