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Step 1: Telegram app from the Google Play Store (Android version) or App Store (Apple version)

The Telegram app. Is like WhatsApp, the difference to the Telegram app is the security (encryption) and usage of the Bots.
Bring the app!


The app in the Google Store
The app in the Apple Store


Install the Telegram app and confirm your message service as well as WhatsApp with your telephone number.
After that you get an SMS the registration is confirmed with a code. Enter your name - done!
As mentioned, the Telegram app works just like WhatsApp!


Step 2:

Start the Global Cryptobot HERE

With this link you can go directly to the Global Cryptobot. You must confirm the Global Cryptobot with START.
If you have any questions just write me under the contact form I give you my telegram number and you can always ask me any questions.
So now you have the Global Cryptobot but to really make money with it you have to invest a few Euro! I will show you two case examples. But everyone can develop their own strategy.
I specifically stress the deposits as well as payouts of your winnings to your Bitcoin Wallet at any time are possible!


Step 3:
How do I get a Bitcoin Wallet?

Bitcoin Wallets are many available.
The best are
Bitpanda is for security reasons only as Webversione, not as an app!
block Chain
Mycelium Bitcoin Wallet
You can decide for yourself where you open an account.


How much should you invest and at what intervals should you pay the money?

Now everyone can develop their own strategy here. In principle, however, those who invest more can pay more! Start with a smaller amount, if you are familiar with the Global Cryptobot, you can vary your investment at any time!
Global Cryptobot make money without other people!

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